Yitzhak Rabin - A Man Of Peace

Yitzhak Rabin was a great man. He was born and raised in Jerusalem in the year of 1922 and in 1940 he joined the "Plmach" - a group of fighters for the independence of Israel before 1948. He was caught and was in jail in 1946 in the "Black Saturday". In 1948 he was assigned as the head of the "Hrael" bridage who fought tough fights on the way to the captial and in the city. In August 1948 he was assigned as the head of operations in the front line at the south of Israeland took part in the braking of the Egyptian seige, in the conquering of "Baer Sheva" and in the freing of the south of Israel till Eilat.
In the years of 1956-1958 Rabin was the Head of the command in the north. In January 1964 Rabin was assigned as the 7th Chief of Staff in Israel. During that time he led Israel to the impressing win in the six day war. In May 1968 he was assigned as an embassdor of Israel in Washington. After 5 years, in 1973, Rabin returned to Israel and pratipated in the council of the war of "Yom Hakipurim". He was voted to for the 8th "Knesset" (the hebrew parlment), and was assigned as the Labor Minister in the Goverment. After that he inherted the place of Golda Meier as a Prime Minister and and was at this stage untill the 1977 elections for the 9th "knesset".

In November 4th, 1995, Rabin was shot to death after taking a speech about the peace prosses by a Yigal Amir, a religous Israeli citizen. Yitzhak Rabin symbold the peace prosses in Israel. We will continue to make peace, even after his death. This is in his memory.


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Rabin A man with a mission and Peace as his mission
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